Letters from Heaven


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Monday, December 28, 2009

The World is sinking under the weight of immorality says True Faith Pastor

The head pastor of True Faith Church at Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Pastor Samuel Amoako has said the whole world is sinking under the weight of immorality and that the judgement of God is at hand for those who engage in immoral activities. He said the spate of infidelity among married couples, homosexualism, pornography, alcohol and drug abuse seen throughout the world is a sign of the decadence of our society and warned people to change their behaviour and accept Christ before they face the wrath of God. He said throughout history God has punished disobedient people who follow sexual and other pleasures against doing the will of God.

He emphasized that if the people of the world continue with the direction they have taken there is no doubt that God's wrath will be poured against them. He advised Christians and all true worshipers of God to eschew all behaviours and manners that put the name of Christianity and the ministry of Jesus into disrepute.

He says God will reward all those who adhere to the teachings of Christ including those who abstain from fornication, lies, adultery, idolatry, alcoholism, fits of anger, enmities, divisions, sects, envies, jealousy, practice of spiritism and other loose conducts.

Quoting from the book of Galatians 5:19-23 he encouraged Christians and true worshipers of Jehovah to embrace love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and exercise self control and put on the armour of God (prayer, fasting, faith, study of the gospel,) in order to withstand the snares of Satan which he says is sinking the world and inviting the wrath of God upon mankind.

Story by Lord Aikins Adusei

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