Letters from Heaven


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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christian Women Should Dress In line with Bible teachings

The Head Pastor of the True Faith Church at Nkawkaw-Ghana has advised Christian women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dresses, with modesty and soundness of mind, not revealing sensitive parts of their body to the world "for such has been the life of faithful women who followed Christ and the Apostles".

Quoting from the first book of 1Timothy 2:9 and 1Peter 3:3-5, he admonished Christians not to follow the blind behaviour of the world in which people live carefree lives without any sense of self examination.

He said the current situation in which Christian women dress to expose sensitive parts of their body that have to be seen only by their husbands go against the true teachings of the Bible. He said such practices are the cause of the high level of immorality seen in the world and in some Churches today.

He declared that "there must be a clear distinction between Christians and the world in the way we dress, in the way we talk, and in the way we do things" and added that "We must do all things to please the LORD not the world". He said "women who dress in modest apparel as advised in the Bible are of great value in the sight of the LORD... Such women will inherit the Kingdom of God " and added that "For so, too, formerly the holy women who were hoping in God used to adorn themselves".

Story by Lord Aikins Adusei

Monday, December 28, 2009

Immorality is sinking The World says True Faith Pastor

The head pastor of True Faith Church in Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Pastor Samuel Amoako has said the whole world is sinking under the weight of immorality and that the judgement of God is at hand for those who engage in immoral activities. He said the spate of infidelity among married couples, homosexualism, pornography, alcohol and drug abuse seen throughout the world is a sign of the decadence of our society and warned people to change their behaviour and accept Christ before they face the wrath of God. He said throughout history God has punished disobedient people who follow sexual and other pleasures against doing the will of God.

He emphasized that if the people of the world continue with the direction they have taken there is no doubt that God's wrath will be poured against them. He advised Christians and all true worshipers of God to eschew all behaviours and manners that put the name of Christianity and the ministry of Jesus into disrepute.

He says God will reward all those who adhere to the teachings of Christ including those who abstain from fornication, lies, adultery, idolatry, alcoholism, fits of anger, enmities, divisions, sects, envies, jealousy, practice of spiritism and other loose conducts.

Quoting from the book of Galatians 5:19-23 he encouraged Christians and true worshipers of Jehovah to embrace love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and exercise self control and put on the armour of God (prayer, fasting, faith, study of the gospel,) in order to withstand the snares of Satan which he says is sinking the world and inviting the wrath of God upon mankind.

By Lord Aikins Adusei

True Faith Church buries General Overseer

Apostle John Owusu Achiaw, Acting General Overseer of the True Faith Church, Ghana has called on Christians not to abandon their churches when the leader of a mission dies.

He said the death of a church leader should not lead to confusion and disunity among the congregation.

Apostle Owusu Achiaw made the call at the burial service of Apostle John Ampadu, founder of the church at Kwahu Praso in the Eastern Region.

Apostle Ampadu who was the third General Overseer of the Church died on July 13. He joined the True Faith Church in 1948 from the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.

Through hard work, he was ordained pastor in 1952 and appointed General Overseer in 1967.

Apostle Owusu Achiaw described Apostle Ampadu as a man whose contribution had made the church what it is today.

He said during his term of office, he established more parishes in and outside the country, adding that "he was very humble and obedient unto all, irrespective of age or status".

Apostle Owusu Achiaw appealed to members of the church to follow the footsteps of Apostle Ampadu for the able leadership role he played in shaping the destiny of the church.

Nana Yeboah Afari Boagyan II, Obohene (Chief of Obo) also commended the late Apostle Ampadu for establishing unity and oneness among the members of the church.

Apostle Ampadu left behind a wife 17 children and 200 grand children.
Source: GNA

Pornography is a Sin says True Faith Pastor

...Put on the armour of God

The Head of the True Faith Church at Oforikrom-Kumasi, Ghana has warned Christians that the various machination used by Satan to entice Christians require that they put on the armour of God to resist Satan and his plans. He said the increase proliferation of pornography, the glamourisation of sex and other sinful acts such alcoholism, fornication, adultery, smoking, drug abuse especially on TV, internet and the electronic and print media attest to the fact that we are in the last days. "We are in the age where sex is openly advertised in front of children, where immorality is not only condoned but encouraged by society". He warned that God will surely punish those who indulge in such acts.

He said "society is being told that people can do anything that they want but that is not true, every human action has its consequence and God will ensure that we all account for our behaviours in the day of judgement". "It is important we send a clear message to the world that no sin has gone unpunished in the history of mankind and that God will surely punish all unjust people including those who make, sell and use pornography materials".

He said Christians who are able to withstand these sexual pleasures and these sins will be saved.

Quoting from the first book of Timothy 2:9 he advised Christian women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dresses, with modesty and soundness of mind, not revealing sensitive parts of their body to the world "for such has been the life of faithful women who followed Christ and the Apostles".

He questioned why the world is so adamant and indifference about such sins as fornication, adultery, sexual covetousness and other loose conducts.

He said the twenty hour channels dedicated to sex and sexual activities and entertainment show how much the world has sunk and advised Christians to be wary of such snares of Satan. He says it is by putting on the armour of God (prayer, fasting, faith, love, the study of the Gospel) that Christians and all true worshipers of God will be able to resist the temptations that those messages carry.

By Lord Aikins Adusei

Put on the armour of God says True Faith Pastor

The Head of the True Faith Church in Oforikrom-Kumasi, Ghana has warned Christians that the various machination used by Satan to entice Christians require that they put on the armour of God to resist Satan and his plans. He said the increase proliferation of pornography, the glamourisation of sex and other sinful acts such alcoholism, fornication, adultery, smoking, drug abuse especially on TV, internet and the electronic and print media attest to the fact that we are in the last days. "We are in the age where sex is openly advertised in front of children, where immorality is not only condoned but encouraged by society".

He warned that God will surely punish those who indulge in such acts. He advised Christians to be aware of the snares of Satan, "Because we are wrestling not against flesh and blood, but against the governments, authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness and against the spirit wicked forces in the heavenly places".

He said there are many laws coming from many governments across the world in which women are being told they can marry their fellow women, and men are being told they can marry men and said such laws directly go against the teachings of Bible principles. Quoting from 1 Corinthians 6:9, and 1Timothy 1:10 to support his argument he encouraged Christians to seriously study the Bible and judge things for themselves whether such practices are of God.

He said "society is being told that people can do anything that they want but that is not true, every human action has its consequence and God will ensure that we all account for our behaviours in the day of judgement". "It is important we send a clear message to the world that no sin has gone unpunished in the history of mankind and that God will surely punish all unjust people including those who make, sell and use pornography materials".

He said Christians who are able to withstand these sexual pleasures and these sins will be saved.

He advised Christian women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dresses, with modesty and soundness of mind, not revealing sensitive parts of their body to the world "for such has been the life of faithful women who followed Christ and the Apostles".

He questioned why the world is so adamant and indifference about such sins as fornication, adultery, sexual covetousness and other loose conducts.

He said the twenty hour channels dedicated to sex and sexual activities and entertainment show how much the world has sunk and advised Christians to be wary of such snares of Satan. He says it is by putting on the armour of God (prayer, fasting, faith, love, the study of the Gospel) that Christians and all true worshipers of God will be able to resist the temptations that those messages carry.

By Lord Aikins Adusei

The World is sinking under the weight of immorality says True Faith Pastor

The head pastor of True Faith Church at Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Pastor Samuel Amoako has said the whole world is sinking under the weight of immorality and that the judgement of God is at hand for those who engage in immoral activities. He said the spate of infidelity among married couples, homosexualism, pornography, alcohol and drug abuse seen throughout the world is a sign of the decadence of our society and warned people to change their behaviour and accept Christ before they face the wrath of God. He said throughout history God has punished disobedient people who follow sexual and other pleasures against doing the will of God.

He emphasized that if the people of the world continue with the direction they have taken there is no doubt that God's wrath will be poured against them. He advised Christians and all true worshipers of God to eschew all behaviours and manners that put the name of Christianity and the ministry of Jesus into disrepute.

He says God will reward all those who adhere to the teachings of Christ including those who abstain from fornication, lies, adultery, idolatry, alcoholism, fits of anger, enmities, divisions, sects, envies, jealousy, practice of spiritism and other loose conducts.

Quoting from the book of Galatians 5:19-23 he encouraged Christians and true worshipers of Jehovah to embrace love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and exercise self control and put on the armour of God (prayer, fasting, faith, study of the gospel,) in order to withstand the snares of Satan which he says is sinking the world and inviting the wrath of God upon mankind.

Story by Lord Aikins Adusei