Letters from Heaven


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Monday, June 15, 2009

Saturday Sabbath is the True Sabbath

The Seventh-day Sabbath is the day of rest designed for fallen and sinful human beings. Our Creator hallowed and blesseth this special day simply to remind us not to forget to remember that this is the day He had set aside to commemorate His works of creation for 6 days long and the seventh-day is the day to rest from our daily routines by remembering and appreciate His wonderful creations particularly creation of man (human being).

Therefore, we should remember that by observing the Sabbath day (Sabado dias) is not a prerequisite to salvation. But by observing Sabbath day that does not mean we will have the assurance of salvation. Our assurance of salvation is very simple and only by confessing our iniquities, wrong doings, and accepting Christ who atoned our sins (He is the Lord of Sabbath; Sabbath day is for man not man for the Sabbath day ). Thus if someone observes Sabbath day as the day of worship and to having special relationship with Him it simply means he loves His Savior and not observing Sabbath day in order to be saved. For further reading pls. refer to Matthew 5 particularly verse 20. I would like to share the thought of Sabbath day why and how pls. posting to my email: ttsonder@gmail.com

May our good Lord will provide the wisdom, cognitive comprehension, and enlightment to have a comprehensive views about The Seventh-day Sabbath ( by not arguing about Saturday or Sunday though historically it had been proved beyond doubt that The Sabbath day is on Saturday).

The most important aspect of the Seventh-day is not a ceremonial or ritual worship procedure but is the day to have special and meaningful relationship with Him that we will have the change of our character to become Christ-like character; because the religious life does not have the power to change our character but the spiritual life we have with Christ who enables each of us to live emphatically toward our fellow human beings regardless of ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, color of the skin, handicaps, etc.

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