Letters from Heaven


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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Subject: Honesty

He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house:he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.....Psalms 101:7

Saul had a terrible character flaw, that of deceit...Even when he was face to face with Samuel the prophet, Saul lied when he should have repented! (See 1Samuel 15:15-24..)...Saul represents that part of all of us that must be overthrown. We must renounce deceit if we're to go beyond the superficial and fulfill our destiny in the supernatural. There must be an open confession that enables God's grace to be allocated to meet our need.

There is a gradual transference of authority as we walk with God. We move from the Saul-like rule of superficial religion to a Davidic anointing based on honesty and transparency.

Our God knows the process it will take for Christ to be formed in us. He's taking each of us to that place where the child begins to bear a greater resemblance to his father. Be assured that this only occurs at the end of travailing prayer and openness of heart, as we confess and forsake every trace of Saul's rule in our lives.I pray that today you'll open up to God in confession and prayer so that He'll help you overthrow the nature of Saul in your life and help to move and enjoy in the Davidic anointing in Jesus Name, Amen!

Please say," Lord Jesus i repent from all my sins.I confess and believe in my heart that you came in this world,died and rose again all because of my sins.Be the Lord and Savior of my life, In Jesus Name, Amen..."

i pray that you'll be blessed by His word this week.Please don't forget to invite your friends to join this group cos our Lord is coming soon.